## **ID** | ## **Title** | ## **Functional area** | ## **Changed objects** | 375858**
| After you export a payment file, you are still
able to print a check from the payment journal. | Cash
Management | REP 1401 TAB 81 | **375906** | When you run the Update Job
Item Cost report with the Automatic Update Job Item Cost set to Yes on the Job
Setup page, not all adjust cost item entries of incomplete jobs are checked.
| Costing | COD 5895 | **376158** | The Inventory Valuation
report does not show an open balance or open cost in the As of Field after a
production order is changed to the Finished status. | Costing
| REP 5802 | **376182** | If the Application Worksheet page closes with open
consumption item ledger entries and there is not enough supply available, the
roll back fails and causes the consumption entries to remain open. | Costing | COD 22 PAG 521 PAG 522 TAB 32 | **375854** | If you unapply
a payment that closed multiple invoices with payment discount, a VAT entry is
missing. | Finance | COD 12 | **375905** | In some scenarios, the
Order Date function of the number series does not work. | Finance | COD 6620 | **375932** | "The transaction cannot be
completed because it will cause inconsistencies in the G/L Entry table" error
message when you post an order with 100% prepayment with prices including VAT
and multiple prepayment accounts. | Finance | COD 442 COD 444 | **375935** | When you set up a different amount rounding precision
for a currency, the amount is shown correctly on the purchase lines, but not
on the subpages. | Finance | PAG 1308 | **375953** | After you run
the Analysis by Dimension function, when you scroll down on the Overview page,
the page freezes. | Finance | PAG 554 PAG 9249
| **376055** | The
Registration No. field on the Company Information page is never printed in
Word layouts. | Finance | TAB 79 | **375855** | When you run
the Item Age Composition Qty report with a location filter, it shows totals
including all locations regardless of the selected location filter. | Inventory | REP 5807 | **375937** | "The length of the string
is 101, but it must be less than or equal to 100 characters" error message
when you filter the Item Ledger Entry page on the Document Type field by
selecting several values. | Inventory | PAG 38
| **375946** | You are
allowed to delete an item unit of measure even though the item unit of measure
is used on a document. | Inventory | TAB 5404
| **375986** | The
Selection report is missing for assembly documents. | Inventory
| PAG 5754 | **375999** | The No., Substitute No., and Description columns do
not provide all info when you run the Item Substitution report. | Inventory | REP 5701 | **376037** | "The Location does not
exist. Identification fields and values code" error message when you change
the Transfer-to Code value on a transfer order that has a line with blank item
number. | Inventory | TAB 5740 TAB 5741 | **376058** | A
standard-cost item is received when a purchase return is applied and shipped,
and the purchase return is changed from Undone to Lost Recognition of
Variance. | Inventory | COD 5814 COD 5895 | **376411** | Inbound
posting to a bin is allowed although it is set up with the Block Movement set
to All in item reclassification journals. | Inventory | COD 7302 | **376002** | Assembly order resource time does not show as allocated time on
the Resource Availability page. | Jobs | PAG 361
| **376007** | After you
post a purchase invoice that is linked to a job, the already scheduled cost
and price are changed. | Jobs | | **376045** | "Attempted to
divide by zero" error message when you post a job journal line. | Jobs | COD 1012 | **376357** | If you change the Unit
Price field to 0 on the Job Journal page, the Line Amount (LCY) field is not
set to 0. | Jobs | TAB 210 | **375860** | "Qty. to Handle (Base) in
Tracking Specification for Item No. XX, Serial No.: XX, Lot No.: XX is
currently YY. It must be ZZ" error message when you post a warehouse shipment
after running the Calculate Regenerative Plan batch job. | Manufacturing | COD 7312 COD 99000854 | **375897** | You are
allowed to save a routing line to a production order without a routing number.
| Manufacturing | TAB 5409 | **376153** | The Components at Location
setting is not considered when you use the Calculate Regenerative Plan
function on a planning worksheet and SKUs are defined for some locations but
not for others. | Manufacturing | COD 99000854
| **376195** | The
starting date-time is equal to the ending date-time in the production order
routing when you define the specific operation with wait time and no run time.
| Manufacturing | COD 99000774 | **376281** | "Method
'Page99000852.a60Action59a62_a45_OnAction not found." error message when you
carry out an action message and use RAPIDSTART SERVICES as the default Role
Center. | Manufacturing | N/A | **376296** | The starting date-time is
equal to the ending date-time in the production order routing when you define
the specific operation with wait time and no run time. | Manufacturing | COD 99000774 | **376435** | The bin code of the
production order line is incorrectly changed when you open and close the Prod.
order Routing page for a multi-level production order. | Manufacturing | COD 99000773 | **375853** | More meaningful information
is added to the Contact Business Relation page. | Marketing | PAG 5061 PAG 5062 | **376249** | "Amount must be positive in Gen. Journal Line Journal
Template Name='',Journal Batch Name='',Line No.='0'." error message when you
post a sales or purchase order with prepayment and prices including VAT. | Prepayments | COD 442 COD 444 COD 80 COD 90 | **375888** | The Document
Total fields on the Purchase Order page are not updated if you change the VAT
Amount field on the VAT Amount Lines page. | Purchase | COD 57 PAG 402 PAG 403 TAB 290 | **375901** | The Description field is
not updated according to the vendor language code and corresponding
translation codes for the item on a purchase order line that is created by the
Order Planning function. | Purchase | TAB 246
| **375981** | The Gen.
Posting Type field is missing on the General Ledger Entries page for the
payment discount if the Adjust for Payment Disc. field is activated on the
General Ledger Setup page and you unapply purchase entries. | Purchase | COD 12 | **376196** | The Unit of Measure Code
field can be changed without showing an error message even through the receipt
or shipment is already posted. | Purchase | TAB
37 TAB 39 | **375865** | "There is no Sales Shipment Line within the filter" error message
when you use an advanced filter on the Sales Shipment Line page. | Sales | PAG 5824 | **375873** | If you create a reminder
for a customer with a language code, the Open Entries Not Due text is always
displayed in the English language if the client language is set to English.
| Sales | COD 392 | **375930** | The External Document No.
field is missing on the Blanket Sales Order page. | Sales | PAG 507 | **375975** | The line discount amount shows an incorrect amount on sales and
purchase credit memos that use the Copy Document or the Get Posted Document
Lines to Reverse functions. | Sales | COD 6620
TAB 37 TAB 39 | **376041** | "Quantity Shipped in the associated blanket order must not be
greater than Quantity in Sales Line Document Type='Blanket Order',Document No"
error message when you post a sales invoice that is copied from a sales credit
memo related to a blanket sales order. | Sales | COD 6620 COD 80 COD 90 | **376046** | The Grace Period field is not used as expected when
you use the Create Reminders function. | Sales | COD 392 | **376064** | A negative item charge assigned to a sales order line when
invoiced does not reflect the changed price in the Sales Amount (Actual) field
in the Value entry. | Sales | TAB 39 TAB 37 | **376092** | A security
filter set based on a responsibility center does not work when you archive
documents. | Sales | PAG 9347 PAG 9349 TAB 5107
TAB 5109 | **376117** | When you run the Move Negative Lines function on a sales order
that has item lines with extended text, extended text lines that are not
related to the negative item line are moved to the return document. | Sales | COD 6620 PAG 42 PAG 50 | **376211** | The shipment date in the
reservation entry is not updated when you change the shipment date on the
sales line. | Sales | TAB 37 | **376214** | When you run the Copy
Document function in a sales quote and copy a sales invoice document, the item
tracking information is unexpectedly included. | Sales | COD 6620 | **376223** | The Line Discount % value is wrongly copied into a sales return
order when you use the Get Posted Document Lines to Reverse function. | Sales | COD 6620 | **376264** | The Dimension Mandatory
setting for a sales order is not checked when you post a purchase order with
the Drop Shipment option. | Sales | N/A | **376095** | The Line
Amount Excl. VAT and Unit Price Excl. VAT columns are not validated in the
service invoice when a new service contract line is added. | Service | COD 5940 COD 5944 | **376096** | The service invoice does
not contain all related lines when you add a service contract line and create
the related service invoice. | Service | COD
5940 COD 5944 | **376097** | The Amount per Period value is not validated on the service
contract header when you insert a new service contract line. | Service | COD 5940 COD 5944 | **376118** | "Amount must be positive in
Gen. Journal Line Journal Template Name='',Journal Batch Name='',Line No.='0'"
error message when you post a service invoice with a negative amount. | Service | TAB 5964 | **376235** | When six or more dimensions
are assigned to a service order, the Service Document - Test report does not
display the dimension values correctly. | Service | REP 5915 | **376402** | "You cannot delete Service Item X because it has ledger entries in
a fiscal year that has not been closed yet" error message when you post a
credit memo for a service item. | Service | COD
361 COD 5920 TAB 5940 | **375859** | "The Bin Content does not exist. Identification fields and values:
Location Code=XX, Bin Code=XX, Item No.=XX, Variant Code=XX, Unit of Measure
Code=XX" error message when you create a movement with the Breakbulk and Item
Tracking options. | Warehouse | COD 7312 COD
99000854 | **375996** | In Dynamics NAV 2013 and later versions, ADCS returns a
communication error that pushes the real error off the screen. | Warehouse | COD 7702 | **376036** | An additional warehouse
movement line of action type Place is created with zero quantity when you use
the Change Unit of Measure function on movement lines. | Warehouse | PAG 7316 | **376119** | "Item tracking cannot be
fully matched. Serial No.: , Lot No.: , outstanding quantity: X" error message
when you post a warehouse shipment. | Warehouse | COD 99000830 | **376155** | You can register a warehouse item journal with blank
item code. | Warehouse | COD 7301 | **376246** | The deferral
schedule is not updated when the posting date is changed. |
| TAB 36 TAB 38 | **376247** | The simplified item card does not contain the Default
Deferral Template field. | | PAG 1302 PAG 1303
| **376300** | Performance issues when you enter quantity on sales lines. | Warehouse | COD 7312 | **376456** | If you apply several credit
memos, invoices and one payment, not all entries are closed and the remaining
amount of one credit memo turns negative. | Purchase | COD 12 | **376493** | If the application worksheet closes with open consumption item
ledger entries and there is not enough supply available, the roll back fails
and it causes the consumption entry to remain open. | Costing
| COD 22 PAG 521 PAG 522 TAB 32 | **376500** | You experience slow
performance in warehouse operations by using the Item Tracking function. | Warehouse | TAB 6550
## **Local application hotfixes****AT - Austria** **ID** | **Title** | **Functional
area** | **Changed objects** | 375881 | When
you enter a return reason code with the Inventory Value Zero option, the Unit
Cost (LCY) value is set to zero (correct), but the Unit Price Excl. VAT value
is also set to zero in the Austrian version. | Sales | TAB 37 | 375899 | When you use a
return reason code with the Inventory Value Zero option and you use Item
Tracking, the unit cost is updated wrongly in the Austrian version. | Sales | COD 22
## **AU - Australia****</b>
ID** | **Title** | **Functional area** | **Changed objects** | 375889 | "You cannot preview a Consolidated BAS
sheet" error message when you preview a consolidated BAS calculation sheet
from a BAS group company in Australian version. | Finance | PAG 11600 PAG 11609 | 375933 | The
base amounts are incorrect in the GST entries when you invoice a sales order
with 100% prepayment and the Compress Prepayment value set to False in the
Australian version. | Finance | COD80 COD 80 | 376125 | "The transaction cannot be completed as
it will cause inconsistencies in the G/L entry table" error message when you
post a payment journal for final payment applied to purchase invoices with WHT
in the Australian version. | Purchase | COD
28040 | 376133 | The printed information
overlaps when you print a posted purchase CR/Adj note in the Australian
version. | Purchase | REP 407
## BE - Belgium **ID**
| **Title** | **Functional area** | **Changed objects** | 376042 | Errors when you use the payment journal
and separate lines for certain rows in the Belgian version. | Cash Management | COD 2000001 | 375864 | Lowered VAT base, reverse charge, VAT
displayed on posted service credit memos, and service statistics are
inconsistent when you use payment discount in the Belgian version. | VAT/Sales Tax/Intrastat | COD 90 TAB 39 TAB 5995
| 376224 | The Calc. and Post VAT Settlement
process does not work well if you use non-deductible VAT and reverse charge
for the same tax period in the Belgian version. | VAT/Sales
Tax/Intrastat | REP 20
## CH - Switzerland
**ID** | **Title** | **Functional area** | **Changed objects** | 376044 | The SR Vendor Payment Advice report does
not suggest all vendor ledger entries if they have been applied in more than
one step in the Swiss version. | Cash Management | REP 11561 | 376039 | The G/L
Account Sheet with the Foreign Currency report is not saved correctly as a
.pdf file in the Swiss version. | Finance | REP
## DE - Germany **ID**
| **Title** | **Functional area** | **Changed objects** | 376020 | The G/L Consolidation Eliminations report
does not work if you run it in the German language in the German version. | Finance | REP 16 | 376091 | The Total incl. Eliminations field gets a wrong format in the G/L
Consolidation Eliminations report in the German version. | Finance | REP 16 | 375914 | The Replan function on a production order does not consider a
queue time defined for a work center in the German version. | Manufacturing | COD 99000774 | 376169 | When you use the Quantity field to
register values in Whse. Physically Inventory journals, no adjustment entry is
created in the German version. | Warehouse | COD
7302 TAB 7311
## DK - Denmark **ID**
| **Title** | **Functional area** | **Changed objects** | 375863 | Misleading warning if a license has a
limitation on the number of entries in the Danish version. | Administration | COD 40
## ES - Spain **ID**
| **Title** | **Functional area** | **Changed objects** | 376233 | "The transaction cannot be completed
because it will cause inconsistencies in the G/L Entry table" error message
when you try to settle a posted payment order with a currency code in the
Spanish version. | Purchase | COD 7000006 REP
595 | 376307 | "Totals or discounts may not be
up-to date. Choose the link to update" error message and all the totals
disappear if you release a purchase order including discounts and the Calc.
Inv. and Pmt. Discount field activated in the Spanish version. | Purchase | COD 60 COD 70 | 376205
| "The file contains too much lines. The file contains 1001
lines and the maximum is 1000 lines" error message on the Tax Authorities web
site if you try to upload an Intrastat file that is exported from Dynamics NAV
with more than 1000 lines in the Spanish version. | VAT/Sales
Tax/Intrastat | REP 593 | 376375 | The 340 declaration should not include registers where the
Document Type field is blank in the Spanish version. | VAT/Sales Tax/Intrastat | REP 10743
## FI - Finland **ID**
| **Title** | **Functional area** | **Changed objects** | 375857 | When you run the Item Expiration –
Quantity report with the Finnish language, an error is generated in the
Finnish version. | Inventory | REP 5809
## FR - France **ID**
| **Title** | **Functional area** | **Changed objects** | 375915 | After you finish the Payment Slip
process, the Dimension code is empty in the G/L entry in the French version.
| Cash Management | REP 10862 REP 10864 | 376094 | The payment slip lines are not updated if
you change or add new dimensions on the Posting tab on the Payment Slip page
in the French version. | Cash Management | TAB
10865 | 376202 | The payment slip lines are not
updated correctly if a customer or vendor has dimensions predefined and you
also introduce dimensions on the Posting tab of the Payment Slip page in the
French version. | Cash Management | TAB 10866
| 376306 | The Acceptation Code field is not
available on the Payment Status page in the French version. | Cash Management | PAG 10865 | 376404 | The Applies-to ID field on the
Application page gets a different value than the Payment Slip Document No.
field if you try to apply a new manually created line on the payment slip in
the French version. | Finance | COD 10861
## IT - Italy **ID**
| **Title** | **Functional area** | **Changed objects** | 376286 | "The "Field 'Reason' in 'Withholding Tax:
X' must not be blank" error message if you run the Withholding Tax Export
process including entries from previous periods in the Italian version. | Finance | COD 12132 | 376289 | "The entered VAT Registration number is not in agreement with the
format with the format specified for Country/Regions" error message if the
customer is not classified as an individual and you insert a fiscal code in
the Italian version. | Sales | TAB 18 TAB 23 | 376365 | The VAT reversal line of a sales invoice
should not be placed in the invoice body but only in the VAT specification
when you print the Sales Invoice report in the Italian version. | Sales | REP 202 REP 206 REP 207 | 376415 | The Generate Split VAT Line functionality
does not work correctly for service documents in the Italian version. | Sales | REP 5911 REP 5912 REP 5915 TAB 5900 | 375934 | In some cases, you need to use the
Reverse Charge VAT function for national operations that must be printed in
the VAT Report without the O.I operation in the Italian version. | VAT/Sales Tax/Intrastat | REP 12120 | 375936 | If you have multiple lines on the VAT
Exemption page for different periods, the system sets the VAT Exemption Int.
Registry No. field to the same value on all lines in the Italian version. | VAT/Sales Tax/Intrastat | TAB 12186 | 376387 | The payment country code is wrongly
reported in the Intrastat services file for purchases in the Italian version.
| VAT/Sales Tax/Intrastat | REP 593 REP 594 | 376463 | The Unrealized Base field of a NO VAT
line is not reversed correctly and it is not reflected on the VAT Register -
Print report in the Italian version. | VAT/Sales Tax/Intrastat
| COD 12
## NA - North America
**ID** | **Title** | **Functional area** | **Changed objects** | 375896 | North America Check reports wrongly print
a separate payment discount line on the stub for credit memos in the North
American version. | Cash Management | REP 10401
REP 10411 | 375969 | "The transaction cannot be
completed because it will cause inconsistencies in the G/L Entry table." error
message when you try to post a purchase document with a negative line amount
in the North American version. | Purchase | COD
398 | 376536 | When you print the Deposit report
in summary, the total deposit amount does not display on the footer in the
North American version. | Cash Management | REP
## NL - Netherlands
**ID** | **Title** | **Functional area** | **Changed objects** | 375931 | If you try to reconcile a customer
invoice that uses payment discount and payment discount tolerance in the CBG
statement, the invoice does not appear in the Dutch version. | Cash Management | COD 11000006 | 376356 | When you post to the general Ledger using
the Bank Journal page, an error occurs when you create the analysis view
entries because the bank journal record is not deleted in the Dutch version.
| Cash Management | TAB 11400
## NO - Norway **ID**
| **Title** | **Functional area** | **Changed objects** | 375991 | "A VAT number MUST be nine numbers
followed by the letters MVA" error message if you validate an electronic
invoice in the Norwegian version. | Finance | COD 10610 COD 10628 | 376108 | The
new EHF 2.05 format should not export empty elements in the Norwegian version.
| Finance | COD 10615 COD 10628
## RU - Russia **ID**
| **Title** | **Functional area** | **Changed objects** | 376505 | "You cannot base a date calculation on an
undefined date" error message when you apply an invoice document to a payment
in the Russian version. | Finance | COD 12
## UK - United Kingdom
**ID** | **Title** | **Functional area** | **Changed objects** | 375867 | If you use the Accounting Period table in
a RapidStart package, the number of records displayed is zero, but if you
drill down, you see a list of accounting periods in the British version. | Administration | COD 8616 | 375856
| "Arithmetic Operation resulted in an Overflow" error message
when you print sales and purchase document reports in the British version. | Purchase | COD 365
## Local regulatory features
## CH - Switzerland
**ID** | **Title** | **Functional area** | **Changed objects** | 145482 | Support is added for import of post codes
from a new official file format for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 | NA | COD419, TAB1234, REP11502
## IT - Italy **ID**
| **Title** | **Functional area** | **Changed objects** | 132091 | Support for Fattura PA for Microsoft
Dynamics NAV 2016 | ERM | COD452, COD1216,
COD1217, COD1218, COD1224, COD1235, COD1236, COD1237, COD1238, COD1239,
COD1521, COD12179, COD12180, COD12181, PAG1, PAG4, PAG21, PAG43, PAG44,
PAG190, PAG427, PAG459, PAG700, PAG1265, PAG1266, PAG1651, PAG5933, PAG5935,
PAG12200, PAG12201, TAB3, TAB18, TAB36, TAB61, TAB62, TAB79, TAB112, TAB114,
TAB130, TAB289, TAB311, TAB700, TAB1235, TAB1265, TAB1650, TAB5900, TAB5992,
TAB5994, TAB12198, TAB12199
## NA - North America
**ID** | **Title** | **Functional area** | **Changed objects** | 145444 | 1099-Tax Forms update for reporting year
2015 for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 | ERM | COD10085, COD2, PAG26, PAG10015, REP10109, REP10111, REP10112,
REP10115, TAB23, TAB10010
## **How to install a Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 cumulative update**See
[How to install a Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016
update</u>](https://mbs2.microsoft.com/Knowledgebase/kbdisplay.aspx?scid=kb,en-us,3109325) .</u>
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
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